
WHOLESALE: Milk Chocolate Pecans

If you love chocolate and pecans, this is the tantalizing treat for you. Sweet, rich, and satisfying, these pecans never tasted better. Created with a thin, sugar-coated shell that envelops a wonderful milk chocolate and pecan interior. 

All packages are heat-sealed for freshness.

Available sizes (listed in order of weight):

  • 8-oz. (Kraft paper bag)
  • 1-lb. (clear bag)
  • 1/4 gallon (tub)
  • 2-lb. (clear bag)
  • 10-lb. bulk box

 Select your desired size(s) from the below drop-down menu. 

Only available for in-store pickup May until October. Shipping will resume early October, once temperatures are more moderate. 

Ingredient details are available on our Product Ingredients page